How to Avoid Neck Pain at Work?

Desk jobs require sitting for long periods of time which can cause muscular and skeletal problems. Back and neck pains are a common complaint of office employees with these stationary jobs. Nearly one out of three individuals is affected every year, and women are more prone to neck pain than men. Usually the annoying symptoms go away within a few weeks but they can recur. Neck pain becomes chronic in 1 out of 10 people who suffer from recurring neck pain. Medical evaluation may be necessary if these neck symptoms do not improve in about two weeks, with need for a diagnostic test from an imaging center. In this world of technology, most jobs require employees to sit in front of a screen for over 8 hours daily. This results in poor alignment of spine and posture, which is the root cause of neck pain. Next, improper position of the head while looking at the screens from computers to phones is another cause of this problem. In fact, it has become so common that a new term “Text neck”...