Everything you need to know about Liver Function Test (LFT)

What is a Liver’s function? 

Our liver is located in the upper right portion of our abdominal cavity, right under the rib cage. It performs many functions that are vital to life. Some of these functions include detoxifying blood, producing important proteins which play a significant role in clotting function, metabolising food, processing the waste product of hemoglobin, and storing bile, fats and glucose. Laboratories in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and most cities have facilities to check your liver function through LFTs. 

Liver Function Test Overview: 

Liver Function Tests are a group of tests used to check the levels of proteins and enzymes in your body. Liver is a vital organ of our body and if something goes wrong with it, we can observe a number of symptoms like yellowing of the skin called jaundice, swelling especially of legs and abdomen, confusion including slurred speech, and digestive issues (see the next section for details).  Some LFTs are done to check if your liver is damaged and others are done to check if the organ is working the way it is supposed to. You can book LFTs from laboratories in Islamabad online through WoW Health. 

Your doctor may recommend a liver test for the following reasons: 

  1. To check for infections like hepatitis C

  2. Monitor the already existing liver disease’s status 

  3. Planning for pregnancy 

  4. Symptoms concerning liver disease 

Symptoms of Liver Problems: 

The yellowing of skin and eyes is the most common symptom of liver problems. Next, swelling and pain in abdomen, legs, itching of skin, dark colored urine, bloody stool, fatigue, loss in appetite, feeling nauseous after eating are also indicators of liver problems. 

When should You see a Doctor? 

You should make an appointment with a doctor if you find any of the above symptoms. If you have significant abdominal pain, your doctor will most probably ask you to get a liver function test. If you are interested in laboratories in Islamabad, you can visit WoW Health and look up the ratings of the laboratories enlisted on the platform and book the test.

How is the Liver Function Test Done? 

Liver function test is done like any other blood test. Your skin will be cleaned by the lab technician to avoid contamination in the test.  Next,  to make your veins more visible, a tight plastic band will be placed on your arm. The syringe’s needle is inserted into the vein and the plunger from the syringe is pulled back to take the blood from your arm. Once enough blood is drawn for testing, the lab technician will cover the pierced area to avoid any contamination and send off the sample to the laboratory for testing. WoW Health has all the laboratories in Islamabad that follow the WHO guidelines while drawing blood. 


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