How Can You Know if You are Dehydrated?

What is dehydration? You’ve probably heard doctors advise to drink plenty of water but do you know why? Drinking water helps in maintaining a stable body temperature, helps your body in getting rid of waste properly, and keeps your skin glowing. Throughout the day, your body uses and gets rid of water so it is necessary for you to replace it. If the loss of water is greater than your intake of water, then you become dehydrated. Physical examination, blood test and urinalysis are common ways of determining whether or not you are dehydrated. Unfortunately, dehydration is a very common problem.. If you become too dehydrated then you risk organ damage, organ failure, shock and even brain damage. Feeling thirsty is often considered as the first sign of dehydration when in reality, by the time you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. If you’ve reached this point, you should drink water and drinks with electrolytes but try to avoid reaching this point. Symptoms of...